Lunar Return Horoscope

The Lunar Return horoscope calculates a person's unique and personal astrological report for the current year based on birthdate, birthplace and birthtime.

Basic Flow

To generate a Lunar Return Horoscope from the AstroAPI, the system (your implementation) makes a POST-request to the /api/lunarreturn endpoint with the necessary parameters. With correct parameters the AstroAPI will provide a full Lunar Return horoscope in JSON-format + the astrological wheel image url.

Generating a Lunar Return Horoscope

POST /api/lunarreturn

Header Value
Accept-Encoding application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer [accessToken]


    "name": "Matthias",
    "date": "1984-03-27",
    "time": "13:13",
    "place_id": 1250015082, 
    "place_id_2": 1250015082,
    "year": 2023,
    "lang": "en"

Params explanation

Header Value
name The name of the person or event you wish to create a lunar return horoscope for
date The (birth)date of the person or event in format YYYY-mm-dd
time The (birth)time of the person or event in format HH:mm
place_id The (birth)place of the person or event retrieved from the /api/places request
place_id_2 Place where you are at the time of your birthday on which the Lunar Return Chart is based, retrieved from the /api/places request
year The year you wish to create a lunar return horoscope for. Default: current year
lang The language you wish to receive the astrological interpretation texts associated with the horoscope in. Default: 'nl'


Example response for Lady Gaga

Full JSON-response File

JSON-object Astrological naming Explanation Custom Text
profile Information about the person/event this astrological profile is about. Info about converted Birthdata to UTC, latitude/longitude, timezone -
intro Text as intro with general info about the lunarreturn horoscope. Yes
planets Planets in Signs Influence of the planets on the person/event. Calculation for each planet. *e.g. Jupiter in Aries in House 4 Yes
elements Basic Elements Strength of the basic elements on the horoscope based on the planetary connotations. e.g. Mercury = Fire planet With lots of Fire planets in the horoscope the Fire strength increases. Yes
zodiacpoints Zodiac Elements Strength Strength of the zodiac signs in the horoscope. e.g. Taurus: strength 5 Yes (for strength > 4)
housecusps House Cusps The signs on the different house cusps of the astrological chart Yes
aspects Aspects The interplanetary relations in degrees that form bonds. *e.g. 180° = Opposite aspect Yes
wheel Astrological Wheel URL to the generated Astrological wheel based on the horoscope calculation. -