Transits Horoscope

A transit horoscope analyses the movement of current planetary positions (transits) in relation to a natal chart, providing insights into how external cosmic energies influence an individual at a specific time.

In this analysis, we examine the positions of the transiting planets within the houses of the natal chart, as well as the aspects formed between the transiting planets and the natal planets. This approach allows us to identify the cosmic influences affecting you during a specific period, such as the next three, six, or twelve months.

You can also use a transit horoscope to look further into the future, exploring influences up to 15 years ahead, or to reflect on past events, such as the cosmic energies present when you got married, had your first child, or experienced other significant milestones. Each house placement or aspect is accompanied by precise dates, indicating the timeframe during which the influence occurs.

For accuracy, we use a narrow orb of 0 to 2.6 degrees for aspects in the transit horoscope. This ensures a highly precise interpretation, tailored to the specific event or timeframe you wish to analyse.

Basic Flow

To generate a Transits Horoscope from the AstroAPI, the system (your implementation) makes a POST-request to the /api/transits endpoint with the necessary parameters. With correct parameters the AstroAPI will provide a full transits horoscope in JSON-format + astrological wheel image url.

Generating a Transits Horoscope

POST /api/transits

Header Value
Accept-Encoding application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer [accessToken]



    "name_1": "Matthias",
    "date_1": "1984-03-27",
    "time_1": "13:13",
    "place_id_1": 1250015082,

    "name_2": "Today",
    "date_2": "2025-04-02",
    "time_2": "10:00",
    "place_id_2": 1840034016,

    "lang": "en"

A specific event.

    "name_1": "Matthias",
    "date_1": "1984-03-27",
    "time_1": "13:13",
    "place_id_1": 1250015082,

    "name_2": "Wedding",
    "date_2": "2025-08-28",
    "time_2": "10:00",
    "place_id_2": 1840034016,

    "lang": "en"

Params explanation

Header Value
name The name of the person or event you wish to create a transits horoscope for
date The (birth)date of the person or event in format YYYY-mm-dd
time The (birth)time of the person or event in format HH:mm
lang The language you wish to receive the astrological interpretation texts associated with the horoscope in. Default: 'nl'


Example response for Transits

Full JSON-response File

JSON-object Astrological naming Explanation Custom Text
profile1 Information about the Person this astrological profile is about. Info about converted Birthdata to UTC, latitude/longitude, timezone -
profile2 Information about the Event this astrological profile is about. Info about converted Birthdata to UTC, latitude/longitude, timezone -
transits_aspects Transit Aspects The interplanetary relations in degrees that form bonds. *e.g. 180° = Opposite aspect . These aspects are the bonds between the Person and the Event Yes
transits_houses Transit Houses Resulting House positions formed by the combination of astrological profiles of the Person and the Event Yes
wheel1 Astrological Wheel URL to the generated Astrological wheel based on the horoscope calculation between the Person and the Event. -

Astrological wheel

    "wheel": "https://api.bloom.be/images/horo2_1569945515_9a46870d59e34df4.png",

Transits wheel
